Examination of Protective Clothing Standardised by the Fire Service Units of Disaster Management
During fire service interventions, firefighters have to perform a wide variety of tasks, but in many cases this diversity is accompanied by an increased hazard level. The protection and safety of the intervening staff of disaster management have always played a prominent role. Firefighters can only be expected to work the most efficiently if, during the interventions, they have every opportunity to preserve their own health.
In order to process this topic, in addition to reviewing European and Hungarian standards, historical overviews, literature and related statistics, the author consulted with members of the intervening staff of disaster management, who regularly use personal protective equipment, to deepen her knowledge about the topic.
„The work was created in commission of the National University of Public Service under the priority project KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 titled „Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance” in Győző Concha Doctoral Program.