Novel Counter-mobility Equipment and Material


Due to scientific research and development the equipment of counter-mobility are used more extensively in the future, but they also have to fulfill higher requirements. Some of engineer barriers have artificial intelligence right now, but next generation of barriers even reach an advanced stage. They will cooperate with each other, will be mounted with automatic control and have various possibility to react enemy activities. The modern sensors make them more than a simple engineer material, but as a forward intelligence post they gather information about enemy maneuvers, vehicles, even capable to identify their correct type. Thanks to electrotechnics they might operate from a great distance, can self-neutralize themselves and independently distinguish between friend and foe. The asymmetric warfare, the terrorism and migration started a new chapter in counter-mobility, the usage of engineer barriers for perimeter protection of critical infrastructures and even the border of the country. On the next pages the novel counter-mobility equipment and material are introduced shortly.


counter-mobility engineer barrier obstacle minefield non-explosive obstacle