Examination of Bimoment Transition in Joints of Steel Frames


Nowdays constructing in a quick way with frame structures is becoming more and more important. Steel is one of the typical materials used for this method of contstructing. These building can be used as halls, storehouses or even as military hangars among others. Thus it is significant to desing and construct these buildings with a sufficient safety. Examining steel structures, one of the most concerned question is the stability, especially in case of thin-walled sections. The recently evolved theories of stability examination are validated for isolated bar elements, but not for steel frames. The computer aided softwares are unable to transmit properly the stresses through the joints of the frames, where two or more elements are connected. So the stress transmission is not real. This paper summarizes the most recent theories of designing, their problems in case of frame structures, the most recent relating researches and the possibilities of developement.


steel frame steel frame joint thin-walled member restrained torsion bimoment stability examination