The Education System of the Auxiliary Police

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.2.5


A detailed presentation of the education and training courses that form the basis for the effective and high-quality performance of the duties of the Auxiliary Police, which contribute to the establishment and maintenance of public order and public safety, with a description of the levels and areas of training, and the organisational units and external bodies involved in the performance of educational tasks. The author of the study, as a practising law enforcement officer and as a practising vigilante leader, summarises the educational activities of the vigilante service, highlighting the most important training courses and their elements, and their importance. The training courses are organised and grouped, from basic skills training to the Auxiliary Police Academy, and broken down by area in accordance with the annual training plan of the OPSZ. In order to contribute effectively and lawfully to the establishment and maintenance of public safety, the author draws attention to the importance of having a professionally trained workforce, highlighting the importance of having the professional skills needed to provide services both independently and in conjunction with a partner organisation. The author of the study wishes to contribute to the comprehensive scientific research and mapping of the operation of the vigilante service, recognising that the subject of the research is the prevention of crime, civilian involvement in maintaining public order and public safety, and therefore law enforcement cooperation, which is a constantly topical issue, since in the current circumstances the role of the vigilante service is an indispensable aid to the police.


auxiliary police auxiliary police officer public order public safety crime prevention training education plan knowledge preparedness exam

How to Cite

Kardos, P. (2024). The Education System of the Auxiliary Police. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(2), 89–104.


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