Once Upon a Time There Was a Ministry

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.1.13


The author examines and evaluates the position and functioning of the Ministry of Justice and Law Enfocement that had existed between 2006 and 2010 in Hungary. In this country there used to be no traditions of controlling jointly these two areas of exercising public power. The reform was introduced within the framework of strenghtening political leadership of the executive organs. The conclusion: reorganization of the structure of ministries did not lead to some enormous mistake, neither caused it any spectacular development in governing public, respectively legal security. The increasing power of the Prime Minister results in relative less importance of the particular ministerial structure. However, the organisational solutions remain significant even in criminological aspects. An example for that is the position of the fight against corruption.


government Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement political leadership fundamental rights

How to Cite

Korinek, L. (2024). Once Upon a Time There Was a Ministry. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(1), 201–217. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2024.1.13


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