Internal Standards of the Auxiliary Police

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.1.11


A detailed presentation of the legislation affecting the operation of the auxiliary police, which contributes to the establishment and maintenance of public order and public safety, highlighting the process of legal development and the most important stages

The author of the study, as a practicing law enforcement professional and a practicing auxiliary police, summarizes the internal rules and regulations affecting the functioning of the auxiliary police, focusing on the main provisions of the most important internal rules and their significance, primarily on the Statutes, the Code of Service, the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Auxiliary Police and other regulations of a similar nature.

The author draws attention to the essence of operating within a regulated framework in order to contribute effectively and lawfully to the establishment and maintenance of public security, shedding light on the necessity, detail and adequacy of internal regulations, providing an insight into the everyday life of the operation of the Auxiliary Police and the provision of services by the Auxiliary Police.

The author of the study wishes to contribute to the comprehensive scientific research and mapping of the operation of vigilance, recognizing the fact that the researched topic is the prevention of crime, civil participation in the maintenance of public order and public safety, and therefore the cooperation of law enforcement is a constantly topical issue, because in the current circumstances the role of the vigilante is an indispensable aid to the police.


auxiliary police auxiliary police officer public order public safety crime prevention internal standard regulation code service ethic

How to Cite

Kardos, P. (2024). Internal Standards of the Auxiliary Police. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(1), 175–191.


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