Cooperation and Training Opportunities for the Change of Action Culture of State Law Enforcement and Private Security Actors

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.2.7


One of the great challenges of the 21st century, in addition to guaranteeing national security factors, is the high-level guarantee of daily public safety, which requires innovative and efficient activities interpreted within the framework of the rule of law. The National Security Strategy of Hungary foresees the efforts that promote the change in the culture of action, which also includes the cooperation of those authorised to create public order and public security. In my study, I analyse the obligation to take measures and the system of tools of state law enforcement and private security actors. I reveal the differences resulting from shortcomings, which have a direct impact on the creation of the public safety expected by society. I will look into those standards and guidelines that regulate the possibilites of using coercive instruments found in Hungary. The main goal of the investigation is to provide a comprehensive picture of the legal regulation
and instrument system of state private security, the focus of which is to facilitate the culture change of the intended measures.


changed safety community change in policy culture tool system presence of the private sector unified training theme

How to Cite

Trapp, L. (2024). Cooperation and Training Opportunities for the Change of Action Culture of State Law Enforcement and Private Security Actors. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(2), 121–135.


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