The Development, Changes and Vision of Law Enforcement and Public Service Career Guidance Training

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.3.6


The study is a preliminary research into why vocational training for law enforcement orientation has not yielded results that meet expectations so far. I have examined possible reasons for this. In discussions with my colleagues who teach in vocational training, the following potential reasons emerged: the distribution of subjects in the curriculum does not take into account agespecific characteristics, and the expectations of students enrolling in the training do not align with the realities of the profession. Due to the differing opportunities provided by educational institutions, the educational conditions do not present a common picture. These factors may play a role in diminishing the intention to pursue education during the course of the training.


education of law enforcement and public service preparatory vocational education of law enforcement and public service public service higher education

How to Cite

Kállai S., B. (2024). The Development, Changes and Vision of Law Enforcement and Public Service Career Guidance Training. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(3), 85–102.


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