Process Management in the Field of Physical Security

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.2.6


The aim of the publication is to present the effectiveness of process management activities
among private security market players and their integration into the organisational level process
management system. The research will present the professional logics identified and their
manifestation in the activity. It is easy for the creation, operation and development of physical
security embedded in organisational strategy to be forgotten in strategic decision-making in
organisations. It is essential for companies to recognise the importance of physical security at
strategic level and to prioritise its integration into the organisational structure accordingly. The
strategy includes the definition of physical security objectives and policies, and the appointment of responsible persons to implement and supervise the process in accordance with these policies and professional logics. The application of a process management system will lead to better transparency, orderliness and thus more efficient operations for the professional areas and the organisation. In addition, the integration of processes allows for continuous monitoring and improvements following the examination of discrepancies detected during the audit, thus ensuring the flexibility of the organisation to adapt to market conditions. To meet these requirements, it is essential to integrate physical security processes into organisational-level process management, which also enables effective monitoring and
management of the activity. An integrated approach contributes significantly to the long-term effective operation of the organisation and to maintaining its competitiveness in the market.


process management physical security risk management strategy artificial intelligence

How to Cite

Takács, S., & Tóth, A. (2024). Process Management in the Field of Physical Security. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(2), 105–120.


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