Physical Security Systems and Surveillance Operations Center

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.1.6


Using modern physical security systems started when economy system changed in Hungary, around 1990.
It was a chance to develop security infrastructures with new and never seen technical solutions. Security industry also improved and requested to get new knowledge to implement and operate new systems. The industry made and got wider by capitalization in the country. Private property system evolution followed by the security culture formalization as well. This kind of culture came from multinational companies as headquarters and other country experiences were summarized and brought into Hungarian sister sites. Complexity of physical security systems, automated working order requested centralized control, gather of information and analization, quick reactions and proactive actions with tranparency, forced to make surveillance operations center as key participant in the field of high level of security services.


physical security surveillance operations center risk management asset protection

How to Cite

Gubics, F., & Horváth, T. (2024). Physical Security Systems and Surveillance Operations Center. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(1), 89–105.


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