Modern and Postmodern Terrorism: Diverse Modus Operandi and Toolbox of Perpetration

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.2.16


Modern-day terrorism poses significant security challenges at both national and global level. Terrorism is constantly changing and evolving, particularly in terms of its modus operandi. While the roots and basic functioning of terrorism are extremely simple, the phenomenon of terrorism is highly complex and multidimensional. Society’s interpretation is crucial, as the definition of terrorism can be various, depending on societal values. In recent years, the interpretation of security threats has increasingly been based on society’s perception, which can override traditional definitional frameworks. The principle of action-reaction is present in the confrontation between terrorist organisations and counter-terrorism forces: the development of terrorist organisations challenges counter-terrorism organisations and vice versa. The changing modus operandi of terrorism has a particular impact on first responders. The aim of this study is to review the main characteristics and evolution of terrorism, with a particular focus on new methods of perpetration.


terrorism first responders counter-terrorism healthcare

How to Cite

Faggyas, A., & Rémai, D. (2024). Modern and Postmodern Terrorism: Diverse Modus Operandi and Toolbox of Perpetration. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(2), 259–272.


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