Conflict and violence

The utility and effectiveness of martial arts in real conflicts

doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.3.13


Rory Miller is an experienced martial artist and US veteran training officer with the rank of retired sergeant. He has been studying martial arts since 1981 and has read hundreds of books on the subject. In his books, he emphasizes the understanding that true self-defense and violence are surrounded by myths from movies and martial arts, which is why self-defense is often misunderstood and incorrectly taught. In his book, he shares his knowledge and experience of prison fights, tactical operations, raids, and shows the face and complexity of real violence. It helps to adapt martial arts and martial arts training methods to the rules of real combat.



How to Cite

Mátés, G. (2022). Conflict and violence: The utility and effectiveness of martial arts in real conflicts. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(3), 193–195.


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