Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems from a Law Enforcement Perspective

  • Bottyán Sándor
doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.3.9


The technology of unmanned aerial vehicles has developed at a fast pace in the recent years, and this revolution will unfold numerous new solutions, transforming and accelerating the processes we have known before. The autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles, which are the results of the fusion of artificial intelligence and drone technology, have several skills we have only been able to imagine so far. Understanding the attributes of these systems will enable us to exploit their potential in several areas, and it is really intriguing if we investigate it in prison environments. The world of autonomous drones and the prison service may seem distant at first, but this study attempts to bring these two areas closer, and investigates the possible application of connecting them. Using the SWOT analysis, we obtain an overall, decision-supportive, forward-thinking picture of autonomous unmanned aircraft systems in the field of penitentiary.


autonomous unmanned aircraft system autonomous drone drone prison correctional unmanned aerial vehicle

How to Cite

Bottyán, S. (2022). Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems from a Law Enforcement Perspective. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(3), 145–159.


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