Antisociality in Personality Disorders and Its Criminological Significance

doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.2.4


Based on international research, the incidence of psychiatric disorders is remarkably high among offenders compared to the normal population. Personality disorders  are among the most common psychiatric conditions, and  can be diagnosed in this special group. According to the definition of the American Psychiatric Association, personality disorder is a stable pattern of discrepancy affecting emotion and affection control, behavior and the perception of interpersonal relations, which permeates the entire personality. These pathological conditions greatly impair the functioning of the person and his ability to adapt  to the environment, which can often lead to deviant attitude. In the group of personality disorders, several types  can be distinguished, which may predispose to deviant and violent behavior in different extent. The aim of the present study is to investigate the personality disorders  by highlighting their aspects that may be predisposing factors in the development of criminal behavior focusing on  violent acts. We examine the types of violence that different personality disorders typically lead to, and  attempt  to uncover the psychological traits associated with  each pathological condition that can predispose to aggression and law-abiding conduct. 


criminal psychiatry criminal psychology personality disorders crime

How to Cite

Bellavics, M. Z. (2022). Antisociality in Personality Disorders and Its Criminological Significance. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(2), 65–78.


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