Hybrid Migration from Belarus to the European Union

  • Urbán Ferenc
doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.2.17


The article describes the phenomenon of irregular migrants camped near the Belarusian–Polish border in a desperate  attempt to enter the EU. They were reported daily in the media in 2021, but by the beginning of 2022, the fate of groups of people trapped in the conflict zone of world politics had lost its news value.In this paper, I outline the factors that have led to this situation and the extent to which the traditional conceptual framework of international migration can be applied to the  phenomenon. 


irregular migration asylum application hybrid migration

How to Cite

Urbán, F. (2022). Hybrid Migration from Belarus to the European Union. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(2), 263–273. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2022.2.17


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