Terrorism is Full of Attributives
Copyright (c) 2022 Pék RIchárd Tamás
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Despite the fact, that terrorism is one of the most important domestic and international security threat in the world, and it is present in social life and daily work of law enforcement services, we could not define what exactly is terrorism and what do we fight against. There is no common accepted terrorism definition either in international criminal law or in academic research. Without the definition, can we define terrorism if we examine the typology of terrorism or concern with attributives or define its development in waves? The question is whether, in the absence of a uniformly agreed definition, etymologising terrorism, assigning labels to it or defining its development in waves, will provide a more accurate picture of the phenomenon of terrorism. The present paper attempts to shed light on the question whether, in the absence of a uniformly agreed and interpreted international criminal law and academic definition of terrorism, waves, typologies or indicators of terrorism are justified and help to define terrorism.
How to Cite
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