Thoughts on Individual Special Prison Rules with an International Perspective

  • Kovács István
doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.3.11


In this study, I revolve around three issues that characterise European penitentiary systems. The study analyses one EU and Schengen country, one EU but not Schengen country and one non-Schengen and non-EU country. The comparative analysis focuses on the imposition of effective life imprisonment in the penitentiary system, the examination of legality and the special rules for the placement of mother and child. The reason for the choice of countries was based on the fact that the international commitment affects the special rules examined in the different countries.


sentencing effective life imprisonment legality supervision child and mother placement rules European perspective

How to Cite

Kovács, I. (2022). Thoughts on Individual Special Prison Rules with an International Perspective. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(3), 173–188.


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