The First Daily Journal of the Hungarian Police: A Rend (The Order) (1921–1927)

doi: 10.32577/mr.2021.1.9


In the course of the police history research, due to their value as sources, the various professional periodicals, typically controlled and published by the given armed force, are not negligible. The Rend, is considered the first representative of the police journals operating between the
two world wars, which followed the development of the body as a contemporary of the Royal Hungarian State Police, was becoming national. As a professional forum, it gave place for the polemics about the inner organisation of the police, and participated actively in the support of the vocational training, the value of mediation and the progressive initiatives. The paper introduces the circumstances of the journal’s start, its structure, the forming of the main content characteristics and its role in the contemporary law enforcement.


history of journalism journal A Rend police history

How to Cite

Androvicz, G. (2021). The First Daily Journal of the Hungarian Police: A Rend (The Order) (1921–1927). Hungarian Law Enforcement, 21(1), 129–140.


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