Leadership Career Model in the Selection System of the Hungarian Police

doi: 10.32577/mr.2021.1.6


The leadership career-related selection system of the professional staff of the Hungarian Police is a complex and multi-level process, which includes much combined labor law and professional tasks. The assessment of the health, mental and physical suitability of staff for professional
service and thus for management positions takes place through various aptitude tests that focus on the individual’s abilities, skills and applicability within the organization. This aspect is supported by the newly introduced fit test and competency-based procedures.
The present study aims to present the selection system related to the leadership career model within the Hungarian Police, its most important base points, as well as the selection processes and aptitude examination systems. It covers the most important stages of a leadership career,
starting from the establishment of a professional employment relationship, as a zero point, their system of conditions, the integrated interior leadership selection and training method, and the competency-based training and selection system that comprehensively includes them.


police leadership career selection suitability examination competence

How to Cite

Szatmári, A. (2021). Leadership Career Model in the Selection System of the Hungarian Police. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 21(1), 81–97. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2021.1.6


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