The Organising Law Enforcement Training in Hungary After the Nationalisation of the Police, in the Shadow of Trianon

doi: 10.32577/mr.2021.1.13


This year the Hungarian Police force celebrates the 100th anniversary of its nationalization and centralization. As a result of a long process after the Peace Dictate of Trianon, the Hungarian state police were set up under very difficult circumstances. The professional-political leadership of the time was well aware that centralisation could be achieved under the leadership of the commissioned officers, for which uniform training and the introduction of examinations for civil servants and superior officers as a requirement were indispensable. For this, the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 3.720 was needed, which laid the foundations for the training of the officials in the “fogalmazó” (administrative policing) officers’ and inspectors’ Faculties.


police police officer training police

How to Cite

Sallai, J. (2021). The Organising Law Enforcement Training in Hungary After the Nationalisation of the Police, in the Shadow of Trianon. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 21(1), 203–215.


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