The Peculiar Expertise of Law Enforcement Profession
Law enforcers have to study the same materials in criminal procedure, correction law, criminology or criminalistics, but as they all have their own specific tasks in their professions, they must pursue diverse prosecution fields, and as a consequence, it is obvious, that the materials are to be taught in specific methods as well. If we are well aware of the fact, that the officers graduated here to what extent they should meet the requirements to be suitable for, their training must be adjusted to those peculiarities: during law enforcement education, diverse skills must be strengthened, established and elicitated than in the jurisdictional training.
Law Enforcement Profession
law enforcement education
How to Cite
Karsai, K. (2014). The Peculiar Expertise of Law Enforcement Profession. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 14(1), 57–60. Retrieved from
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