Disappearance of the Malaysian MH370 Airplane
Criminalistics and Air Safety Considerations
The disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines airplane (MH370) on the 8th of March 2014 can be analyzed from criminalistics and air safety aspects as well. The study examines this very strange case in light of basic principles and international tendencies of criminalistics. The author creates possible scenarios and decides for one of the possible options substantiating his claimwith evidence. Lastly, the writer draws conclusions for air safety to prevent similar cases from happening in the future.
Air Safety
How to Cite
Fenyvesi, C. (2014). Disappearance of the Malaysian MH370 Airplane : Criminalistics and Air Safety Considerations. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 14(3), 77–92. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/magyrend/article/view/3971
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