Tendencies of Criminalistics — a Review of the Monograph of Csaba Fenyvesi

  • Gárdonyi Gergely


The book review presents the unique monograph of Csaba Fenyvesi. The author presents the concept, history and future of criminalistics, furthermore, he also demonstrates the “pyramid of criminalistics” created by himself. The author’s approach is truly innovative; his point of view differs from any other works published in Hungarian. Based on nearly 800 valuable national and international references the work represents high academic standards.


Criminalistics Csaba Fenyvesi

How to Cite

Gárdonyi, G. (2015). Tendencies of Criminalistics — a Review of the Monograph of Csaba Fenyvesi. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 15(1), 165–168. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/magyrend/article/view/3778


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