Mental Hygiene Issues of Public Safety Services
Mental health care and working in public safety are linked to each other through several issues. One of the most important segments of the related researches is the psychosocial health check of persons working in public safety. Several investigations confirm the correlation between the causes of work related stress, stress and the appearance of burn-out syndrome. (Finney C. et al. 2013) In this comprehensive article the author investigates the mental health care related factors specifically in terms of public safety services. These can have a significant role in the strategic organization of the public health services’ preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative work; in addition, it serves as an orientation to the main research areas.
Public Safety
Mental Hygiene
How to Cite
Kováts, D. (2015). Mental Hygiene Issues of Public Safety Services. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 15(1), 21–38. Retrieved from
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