Changes of the Prisoners’ Legal Status in the New Hungarian Prisoner’s Rights Law with Special Regards to Health Conditions

  • Várnagy-Tóth Mariann


My study investigates whether the limitation of human rights during imprisonment necessarily leads to the limitation of other fundamental rights. I present the right to health care in the context of the changes in the new law related to prisons. I overview the list of problems: especially the lack of access to mental health treatment, prison overcrowding, etc. Finally I present the findings of an empirical study of mine describing the problems of resocialization.


human dignity lawful treatment the right to health care

How to Cite

Várnagy-Tóth, M. (2016). Changes of the Prisoners’ Legal Status in the New Hungarian Prisoner’s Rights Law with Special Regards to Health Conditions. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 16(1), 171–178. Retrieved from


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