Exploring the Relationship between Consumer Knowledge and Skepticism towards Pro-Environmental Advertising: An Empirical Investigation

  • Jinhee Lee
  • Hyuk Jun Cheong
doi: 10.17646/KOME.of.10


This study investigates the potential impact of consumer knowledge on inclination toward skepticism about pro-environmental advertising. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM), the research explores the intricate interplay between three facets of consumer knowledge: persuasion, agent and topic knowledge, and consumer skepticism of pro-environmental advertising. The study also examines whether individuals’ prior experience of pro-environmental advertising and eco-friendly products contribute to the development of the three dimensions of consumer knowledge. Researchers administered online surveys to a cohort of U.S. consumer panellists, and subsequently subjected the gathered data to structural equation modelling. The research found that consumers with a heightened acumen in persuasion, agent, and topic knowledge exhibit a notably diminished degree of skepticism toward pro-environmental advertising. Additionally, individuals’ antecedent interactions with pro-environmental products enhance the depth of all three dimensions, whereas prior exposure to pro-environmental advertising appears predominantly to bolster persuasion knowledge alone.


persuasion knowledge model consumer knowledge pro-environmental advertising pro-environmental products green advertising advertising skepticism

How to Cite

Lee, J., & Cheong, H. J. (2024). Exploring the Relationship between Consumer Knowledge and Skepticism towards Pro-Environmental Advertising: An Empirical Investigation. KOME, 12(1), 35–60. https://doi.org/10.17646/KOME.of.10


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