Nicolescu’s Transdisciplinary Logic: Inclusivity and Complexity
Copyright (c) 2024 Sue L. T. McGregor
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This paper recounts the two pillars of logic Basarab Nicolescu developed when he formulated the logic axiom of his transdisciplinary methodology: inclusive logic and complexity logic. The paper starts with a distinction between complexity and simplicity and frames transdisciplinary actors as a complex adaptive system (CAS). After explaining traditional classical linear logic and three laws of thought (i.e. exclusive logic) and their inability to deal with complexity, the discussion turns to both inclusive and complexity logic as understood by Nicolescu (who drew on Stéphane Lupasco, and Edgar Morin, respectively). Nicolescu knew he needed ways to both a) not exclude anything that might be integral to addressing a complex, wicked problem; and b) weave emergent ideas into something new, ways that he respectively called inclusive logic and complexity logic. Used together, richer communications and inquiry are now possible amongst diverse minds increasing chances of confidently addressing complex, normative and wicked problems.
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