Corpus Linguistics on the Impression Management Strategy of Indonesian Public Officials after Covid-19 Denial Statements

  • Miftha Pratiwi
  • Rindang Senja Andarini
  • Rini Setiyowati
  • Anang Dwi Santoso
doi: 10.17646/KOME.2023.1.2


With the Covid-19 pandemic, public officials in Indonesia were prone to making inaccurate claims and to enacting policies that the public might have overlooked due to a lack of understanding of complex situations. However, after making these mistakes, public officials needed to restore their reputation and create a positive impression. This study aimed to investigate the impression management strategies employed by Indonesian public officials following such incidents. The researchers analysed a dataset of 2,000 Instagram captions from seven public officials over the course of a year, totalling 13,725 words and 196,154 tokens, using corpus linguistic techniques such as frequent words and keyword lists. The findings revealed that officials used different strategies such as ingratiation, self-promotion and supplication to manage their impression, and that positive attitudes and hard work were the main tools used by officials to improve their public image. 


impression management public officials Indonesia Covid-19 corpus linguistics

How to Cite

Miftha, P., Rindang Senja, A., Rini, S., & Anang Dwi, S. (2023). Corpus Linguistics on the Impression Management Strategy of Indonesian Public Officials after Covid-19 Denial Statements. KOME, 11(1), 28–60.


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