Nuclear Security Related Attributes and Characteristics of Different Types of Nuclear Facilities

doi: 10.32567/hm.2019.3.5


Existing International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Nuclear Security Series (NSS) publications do not provide specific guidance for different type of nuclear facilities; these are typically meant as general guidance for nuclear facilities rather than having specific application to any specific facility type. Accordingly, the question may rise whether operators of different nuclear facilities would need to take account of the specific characteristics of their facilities during the implementation of the recommendations and guidance provided in IAEA NSS publications. The comprehensive answer to the question (regarding each type of nuclear facilities) requires the identification of the above mentioned specific characteristics of all nuclear facility types and the systematic assessment of the exiting IAEA NSS publications, including IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 13 and other implementing and technical guides. The identification of specific characteristics of different nuclear facilities that may influence the design and implementation their physical protection systems and measures is the starting point of this comprehensive review process.


nuclear security nuclear facilities security relevant characteristics IAEA physical protection

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Solymosi, J., Hagemann, A., Khaliq, M., & Horváth, K. (2020). Nuclear Security Related Attributes and Characteristics of Different Types of Nuclear Facilities. Hadmérnök, 14(3), 53–64.