The Properties of Metasploit in the Mirror of a Secured FTP Daemon Exploit

doi: 10.32567/hm.2020.3.12


The authors describe in this article – which is the next part of the Penetration Tests article series – how to identify the vulnerable computers that can be identified by running the secure FTP daemon exploit in the Metasploit framework. To do this, the authors defined the principles, modular elements, applicable procedures and attack vectors of Metasploit using an analytical evaluation method. Subsequently, in practical implementation, the penetration test was performed with the analysed steps and methods, which resulted in the basic data of the vulnerable computer being determined in the created virtual environment.


Metasploit Metasploit framework vsFTPd NMAP TCP FTP

How to Cite

Paráda, I., & Tóth , A. (2021). The Properties of Metasploit in the Mirror of a Secured FTP Daemon Exploit. Military Engineer, 15(3), 219–230.