Increasing the Efficiency of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System

  • Horváth András
  • Farkas Gabriella
doi: 10.32567/hm.2024.3.1


The fundamental interest of all organization is to ensure the requirements for safe working conditions. Forward-thinking companies understood that accidents at work or occupational diseases involved huge costs and recognized their negative impact on the company’s reputation. An established and efficiently operated and continuously improved occupational health and safety management system can be of great help in avoiding these. In our article,
we present the results of a questionnaire survey conducted on the OH&S system among the automotive company’s employees. We would like to make development proposals to improve the efficiency of the system within the company, and we also discuss the advantages of integrated management systems, which can help to achieve a forward looking thinking centered on quality and occupational safety in the company.


occupational health safety , quality management systems integrated management systems occupational safety quality improvement

How to Cite

Horváth, A., & Farkas, G. (2025). Increasing the Efficiency of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Military Engineer, 19(3), 5–16.


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