The Evolution of the Hungarian Defence Forces’s Cyber Training System
Copyright (c) 2025 Pozderka Gábor

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
During the development of military capabilities, cyberspace appears as a separate domain of war, however, it impacts all other domains. In the case of cyber defence and cyber operations education topics, the emergence of this cross-function (between domains) is essential to joint military thinking and operations planning. In recent years, communications and information systems (CIS) as well as CIS protection services have played an increasingly prominent role in Hungarian Defence Forces operations, further developing cyber defence capabilities, training and exercises aimed at raising user awareness. In 2019, the Hungarian Defence Forces established the Military Cyber Academy, which provides an appropriate platform for the implementation of these tasks for the administrator, management and operating staff. Cyber education topics are regularly updated considering emerging needs and the teaching staff continuously monitors (ever-evolving) cybersecurity trends.
How to Cite
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