Designing a SOC with the help of project management and the basics of operation
Copyright (c) 2024 Gubics Frigyes

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Different facilities require different approach of protection that depends on the profile and risk we need to handle, and also need to recognise what kind of risks we face and what are the possible effects. Organisations that have established a culture of facility protection
and security measures, have a well-coordinated, structured and complementary security systems that are coordinated from a central location, which is the security centre (SOC). The SOC is part of the facility infrastructure and has the main rule to keep security level high enough and also supports operative activity in the areas. Protecting the SOC effectively is a high priority, and it plays an important role in ensuring an appropriate level of security and provides support to the operational unit in preparing for possible attacks or incidents.
How to Cite
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CHRISTIÁN, László szerk. (2014b): Létesítményvédelem. Budapest, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem.
FENNELLY, Lawrence J. (2013): Effective Physical Security. Butterworth–Heinemann.
GARCIA, Mary Lynn (2008): The Design and Evaluation of Physical Security Systems. Butterworth–Heinemann.
HORVÁTH Tamás (2018): Elektronikus megfigyelő-, és ellenőrző rendszerek objektumorientált kialakítása különös tekintettel a biztonsági kockázatok rendszére. Budapest: Óbudai Egyetem Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola.