Cybersecurity Strategies, Regulations and Recommendations for Smart Airports: Threats and Solutions

doi: 10.32567/hm.2024.2.10


With the digital and network integration of smart airports, cyber security is key. The digitalisation of airport processes, automation and the need for a personalised passenger experience are creating new cyber security challenges. The US, the EU and international aviation organisations are helping airports improve information security through legislation and recommendations to make them more resilient to cyber-attacks. The aim of this research is to identify the specific system components of smart airports and the cybersecurity threats they face. Through an analysis of international documents, the article explores the depth to which publications published by the European Union, the United States and international aviation organisations on the sector address cybersecurity and the level of response to identified threats. The results of this research can contribute to improving the security level of smart airports and strengthening their defences against cyber threats.


smart airport cybersecurity IoT maturity Alverad

How to Cite

Katona, G. (2024). Cybersecurity Strategies, Regulations and Recommendations for Smart Airports: Threats and Solutions. Military Engineer, 19(2), 123–148.


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