Cybersecurity Issues in Aviation

– Timeline of Cyber Crimes against Boeing

doi: 10.32567/hm.2024.1.6


In this article, the authors present an information subsystem of air transport, its IT solution, as well as its potential cyber threats and risks. To this end, the authors determine certain IT components of air transport with particular regard to communication, data link, and onboard flight systems, such as the so-called electronic flight bags (EFB), which have special significance due to cyber incidents. Following this, the authors describe the cyber
attacks that occurred recently at Boeing, including their chronological order, and then, by summarising all these, they inductively draw logical conclusions about their impacts, as well as about new forms of response against the attacks.


aviation EFB NOTAMS Boeing Cyber Defence Ransomware

How to Cite

Hunorfi, P., Paráda, I., & Farkas, T. (2024). Cybersecurity Issues in Aviation: – Timeline of Cyber Crimes against Boeing. Military Engineer, 19(1), 101–120.


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