You Are a Target! – The Preparation of the Public Administration against Cyber Security Threats

doi: 10.32567/hm.2020.1.7


Nowadays, the organisation of public administration is unimaginable without infocommunication technologies. Although the physical and logical protection of the system and the stored data may be well developed, the human factor will be a risk of security. The effective protection against the threats is to provide security awareness through implementing a well-developed and successful Information Security Awareness program.
This study presents the methods of human-based and IT-based social engineering attacks, reviews the category of security awareness and security awareness programs, determines five steps of the implementation and examines the different methods, the potential communication channels and internal PR tools of an effective program.


information security security awareness security awareness program social engineering internal PR tools

How to Cite

Legárd, I. (2020). You Are a Target! – The Preparation of the Public Administration against Cyber Security Threats. Military Engineer, 15(1), 91–105.