Fire Causes in Road Vehicles
Copyright (c) 2023 Papp Csenge, Kersák József
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Nowadays, mobility gained more and more ground, so as more and more people participate in road traffic as well. Because of this reason, the number of traffic-related accidents and fires is also increasing. In this article, I examine the causes of road vehicle fires, which is a complex issue, as fires can occur during the operation of vehicles, also traffic accidents may occur. Due to the increasingly strict safety and environmental protection requirements,
the fire safety of vehicles is worth to be considered. During my research work, I reviewed, based on the available sources and practical experience, the origins and causes of fires during the traffic of road vehicles, and I examined what fire prevention options are available and how effective they are in practice, focusing on the activities of drivers.
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