The Safety Situation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Hungary from a Disaster Management Perspective – Part 2

doi: 10.32567/hm.2023.2.5


Today, nearly seventy municipal solid waste landfills in Hungary fully comply with European Union directives. Experience has shown that some sites have not yet been recultivated and that there are several illegal landfills. Waste fires are a special area within disaster management that have not yet been legally regulated nor intervention procedures have been established. In the second half of the series of articles I will present the safety risks and fire intervention difficulties that arise specifically in connection with the landfill sites.


waste management resource management extinguishing water management fire safety industrial safety

How to Cite

Hózer, B. (2023). The Safety Situation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Hungary from a Disaster Management Perspective – Part 2. Military Engineer, 18(2), 83–92.


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Legal sources

- 20/2006 (IV. 5.) KvVM decree on the landfill and certain rules and conditions related to the landfill

- 54/2014 (XII. 5.) BM decree on the National Fire Protection Regulations

- 6/2016 (VI. 24.) BM OKF instructions on the Firefighting Tactical Regulations and the Technical Rescue Regulations