The Evolution of the Normative Regulation in Hospital Safety and Security

doi: 10.32567/hm.2023.1.4


Despite the Covid-19 epidemic, relatively little is said about hospital safety and security these days, in fact, the concept, along with its complexity, is not precisely defined. In 2016,
the concept of critical infrastructures and thus the operator’s security approach appeared in the Hungarian health care system. This required a more complex approach than before on the part of the security organisations. It is absolutely necessary to manage the human resources organisation, the operation of the facilities, the various service areas and the so-called classical security and safety areas such as property, fire, environment, disaster management and labour safety areas of the institutions in one management system. These are the areas where complex interpretation can be encountered in every case during Operator Security Planning. In my study, I review the evolution of the normative regulation of these areas and their impact on the security operators’ activities in hospitals from the period of the regime change to the present day, until the emergence of the complex operator security approach.


hospital safety and security operator security planning hospital disaster planning critical infrastructures legal environment

How to Cite

Mészáros, I. (2023). The Evolution of the Normative Regulation in Hospital Safety and Security. Military Engineer, 18(1), 43–57.


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Legal references

Act II of 1972 on healthcare

Act XCIII of 1993on labour safety

Act XXXIV of 1994 on the Police

Act LIII of 1995 on the general rules for the protection of the environment

Act CLIV of 1997 on healthcare

Act XLIII of 2000 on waste management

Act CXXXIII of 2005 on personal and property protection, as well as the rules of private investigation activity

Act CXXVIII of 2011 on disaster prevention and the amendment of certain related laws

Act CLXXXV of 2012 on waste

Act CLXVI of 2012 on the identification, designation and protection of essential systems and facilities

Act CLXVI of 2012 on the implementation of Government Decree 65/2013 (III.8.) on the identification, designation and protection of essential systems and facilities

Act L of 2013 on the electronic information security of state and local government bodies

Government Decree 14/1960 (III.24.) on the organisation of industrial law enforcement bodies

Decree 4/1980 (XI.25.) of the Ministry of the Interior on the issuance of the National Fire Safety Codes and Standards

Decree 56/1981 (XI.18.) of the Council of Ministers on the control of the generation of hazardous waste and activities related to their disposal

Instruction 11/1982 (Eü. K. 8.) of the Ministry of Healthcare on the development of disaster plans for medical and preventive institutions

Decree 6/1988 (II.12.) of the Council of Ministers on law enforcement activities of inter-governmental bodies

Government Decree 87/1995 (VII.14.) on the transitional rules for personal and property protection and private investigative activities carried out within the framework of the enterprise

Decree 35/1996 (XII.29.) of the Ministry of the Interior on the issuance of the National Fire Safety Codes and Standards

Government Decree 102/1996 (VII.12.) on hazardous waste

Decree 29/2000 (X.30.) of the Ministry of Healthcare on the content requirements of the disaster plans of healthcare institutions

Government Decree 98/2001 (VI.15.) on the conditions for carrying out activities related to hazardous waste

Decree 1/2002 (I.11.) of the Ministry of Healthcare on the management of waste generated in healthcare institutions

Decree 2/2002 (I.23.) of the Ministry of the Interior on establishing the technical requirements of fire protection and civil protection

Decree 9/2008 (II.22.) of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development on the issuance of the National Fire Safety Codes and Standards

Decree 28/2011 (IX.6.) of the Ministry of the Interior on the issuance of the National Fire Safety Codes and Standards

Government Decree 521/2013 (XII.30.) on health crisis care

Decree 43/2014 (VIII.19.) of the Ministry of Human Resources on the content requirements of the health crisis plans of health institutions and on the amendment of certain ministerial decrees on health matters

Decree 54/2014 (XII.5.) of the Ministry of the Interior on the issuance of the National Fire Safety Codes and Standards

Government Decree 246/2015 (IX.8.) on the identification, designation and protection of essential healthcare systems and facilities

Decree 49/2016 (XII.28.) of the Ministry of Human Resources on sectoral national defence tasks affecting the responsibilities of the Minister of Human Resources

Government Decree 188/2016 (VII.13.) on the amendment of Government Decree 346/2010 (XII.28.) on networks for government purposes

Decree 12/2017 (VI.12.) of the Ministry of Human Resources on waste management activities related to waste generated by healthcare providers