Efficacy Trial of 3D Printed Shaped Charges

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.4.5


The use of shaped charges may be vital in lots of cases in blasting technique. These fields of adaptation can be civilian, industrial, or military. The importance of 3D printing is significant in every aspect, the adaptation of the method may provide indicative benefits. The trial shown below indicates that these charges can be effective with low density liners. In the case of a semi-sphere and a cone part the outcome shows which of those types can produce the most effective penetration within the circle of test parameters. The shaped charges were blasted in multiple
size, and it is absolutely certified that a smaller type may be effective too on the same target. This fact determines more tests in the future.


shaped charge blasting trial 3D printing

How to Cite

Ember, I. (2023). Efficacy Trial of 3D Printed Shaped Charges. Military Engineer, 17(4), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.32567/hm.2022.4.5


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