Arctic Peace or War?

Or What Arctic Strategies Say

  • Molnár Dóra
  • Szalkai Patrik
doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.4.11


The Arctic region is to become an important region of international conflict of interests today, raising more and more security policy issues. The study seeks and finds an affirmative answer to two main questions through a comparative analysis of the Arctic states’ special strategic documents on Arctic relations. It can be justified on the one hand that the Arctic is a region to be interpreted and managed on its own, which is not or only minimally affected by conflicts in other regions. On the other hand, it is also clear that Russia has been showing signs of cooperation in the Arctic region rather than aggressive intentions. This peaceful Arctic atmosphere would, of course, be difficult to imagine without the supportive work of international organisations, however, the supranational level is not addressed in this study. 


Arctic region Arctic states Russia strategy peace cooperation

How to Cite

Molnár, D., & Szalkai, P. (2023). Arctic Peace or War? Or What Arctic Strategies Say. Military Engineer, 17(4), 175–194.


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