The Opportunities for Social Engineering Attacks Prevention

doi: 10.32567/hm.2021.3.10


In parallel with the rapid technological development of our society, new types of challenges and threats have emerged, and they are emerging as threats not only in the  cyberspace, but also in our daily lives, in the offline space.  There is a significant increase in the number of  cyberattacks, while in terms of attack techniques we can see an increasing sophistication. It is often said, almost as a commonplace, that the weakest link in cybersecurity is the  human factor. As often as this idea occurs in cybersecurity  publications, it is still valid today, as attackers are most  often targeted at users who are not sufficiently security- conscious, and even the best software cannot provide  adequate security through the actions of these individuals  if the user does not have the appropriate competencies. People, who are not sufficiently security-conscious are  especially at risk from increasingly sophisticated social  engineering attacks, so by examining the attack frameworks and attack models of this technique, we can  achieve the most effective prevention and avoidance. Of  course, the importance of awareness raising and introduction into education should not be underestimated  in this regard either. The aim of my research was to  investigate the possibilities of prosperity of protection against cyber threats, which have been detailed above.  Regarding the analysis of empirical experiments and the  prevention of social engineering attacks, the main question  can be formulated as to whether data and information  security, security awareness can potentially be increased  along the lines of interest, personal, problem-oriented  examples and implementation in education. 


social engineering data and information security security awareness data protection cybersecurity public service

How to Cite

Dub, M. (2021). The Opportunities for Social Engineering Attacks Prevention. Military Engineer, 16(3), 137–187.