The Cybersecurity Challenges of Covid-19 during the First Wave

doi: 10.32567/hm.2021.3.12


At the end of 2019, a new type of virus appeared in China  and then spread around the world in a short time,  reshaping it to furnish the world we know. There have been worldwide restrictions or bans on trying to slow down the  spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – commonly known as the  coronavirus – to this day. Protection measures are having a  major impact on many areas of life, economic activity has come to a complete halt in many countries, and millions of  people have lost their jobs. In the fastest way possible,  some public administration organisations and most businesses had to switch to teleworking. This switch  included a number of cybersecurity challenges. In this  article, I examine and group what attacks were present in  cyberspace during the first wave. I also examine the  opinions of cybersecurity experts for risks of different  threats. 


COVID-19 cybersecurity cyber threats pandemic

How to Cite

Katona, G. (2021). The Cybersecurity Challenges of Covid-19 during the First Wave. Military Engineer, 16(3), 203–218.