Offensive Cyber Operations Part Two: Cyber Units and Their Capabilities

  • Kovács László
doi: 10.32567/hm.2021.3.7


Creating cybersecurity requires coordinated implementation of many activities. In the complex system  of cybersecurity, in addition to regulatory and procedural issues, we also find active cyber defence operations. However, cyberspace operations for defence purposes  alone are not always sufficient to provide full and  comprehensive cybersecurity. Thus, in addition to defence cyberspace operations, it may be necessary to perform  offensive cyber operations. The offensive cyberspace operations, together with tools and procedures, naturally  not only contribute to the protection of our own systems,  but also effectively support activities in other dimensions by intercepting, disrupting, or extracting information from  counterparty infocommunication systems. The first part of  the present study presents the general characteristics of  offensive cyber operations, the second part analyses the  practical implementation and applicability of offensive  cyber operations capabilities and covers the forces of cyber  operations and the tools and procedures they can apply. 


cyber offensive cyber capability attack warfare cyber strategy

How to Cite

Kovács, L. (2021). Offensive Cyber Operations Part Two: Cyber Units and Their Capabilities. Military Engineer, 16(3), 119–137.