Review of Some Modulation Methods in Support of the Technical Requirements of Fifth Generation Wireless Networks

doi: 10.32567/hm.2020.4.12


In the advent of the development of fifth-generation wired and wireless networks, it is worth examining  the achievement of the network parameters set out  in the IMT-2020 recommendations, enabling  modulation procedures for a comprehensive network approach. This scientific paper examines the existing  QAM procedures run by current standards and  recommendations in order to make the modulation solutions underlying the 5G networks plannable, to  ensure high data rates, higher bandwidth, and  optimised power consumption. 


IMT-2020 5GN QAM

How to Cite

Gulyás, A. (2021). Review of Some Modulation Methods in Support of the Technical Requirements of Fifth Generation Wireless Networks. Military Engineer, 15(4), 179–194.