Defense Management System in the Actual Security Threats


The thesis of the study is that the regulation of defense economy and defense reserve stock system is heavily deficient and outdated in Hungary today, therefore it is important to create a new complex defense management scheme based on the following guidelines: support of Hungary’s political, economic and defense interests, response to the actual security threats, transparency with the EU and NATO requirements, imbedded into the central, regional and territorial public administration as well as into the state authorities; and finally connected to the non-governmental organizations, and to the market economy players. In order to justify the thesis, the study first discusses the main military and natural factors of security. The second part presents the relevant historical and legislative cornerstones of the Hungarian defense administration i.e. features of the defense economy in the II. World War and Cold War, in the change of the political regime in the 1990s and afterwards. The third part describes the present context of the defense economy and defense reserve stock system. Finally the author summarizes the main messages of the topic and offers concrete recommendations for a more efficient national defense management system.


security defense management defense preparation defense reserve

How to Cite

Babos, T., & Beregi, A. L. (2018). Defense Management System in the Actual Security Threats. Military Engineer, 13(3), 339–352. Retrieved from