Testing the River Marcal's Microbiological Status in the Mirror of the Red Sludge Catastrophe
With the development of humanity and technology, the number of industrial disasters has also increased in the world. Generally speaking, the damage caused is extremely significant, or massive human injury or death occurs. The biggest industrial disaster in Hungary so far has been the red sludge catastrophe on October 4, 2010, which, in addition to demanding human lives, has also seriously damaged the environment. With this article, I was aiming to introduce the red sludge catastrophe and its destructive effects on the environment. In my writing, focusing on the river Marcal, I was determined to find out how the severely damaging effects of red mud affected the ecosystem, especially for the microbial communities. By processing data from my own sampling, I would like to build a comprehensive picture of the current state of the river.
"This article was prepared by the Ministry of Human Resources with the support of New National Excellence Program ÚNKP-17-3-I-NKE-7".