Application of UAVs in Public Service II.
The system of state functions and the complex structure of legal regulations determining its structure and the relationship between each part compared to each other, the division of functions, network and functioning might be compared to the structure and functioning of an unmanned aerial vehicle system in many aspects. The organizations responsible for carrying out public functions can perform their work effectively – while corresponding with the need for cooperation resulting also from the interdependence –, if the differences in interpretation due to the specialties of the different professions do not hinder to exchange
information and to think mutually. It is especially applicable in case of applied technical tools, where the occurrent interoperability problems might significantly hinder to reach the goals set by the government.
The purpose of this publication is to determine the possible connections between the state functions and the unmanned aerial systems being able to support them effectively, to discover the perspective effects affecting public service applications of the direction of the expected technical development and to determine certain tasks of preparing for it.