Testing of Infantry Warrior in Combat as a Basic Toolkit
The Toolkit of Combat of „Infantry Warrior" from a Technical Developer Perspective
The purpose of this article to examine the role of infantry rifleman with method of technical analysis, as a basic element of infantry weapon fighting. During analysis creates the smallest element is represented by infantry rifleman: the toolkit that consist of infantry rifleman, his weapon and the shot projectile, and can still be tested with the function analysis method. Describes the capability requirements and basic elements. Draws conclusions from the interaction of the basic elements of requirements capability and quantify the toolkit resulting ability.
Function Analysis
Elementary toolkit
infantry warrior
assault rifle
How to Cite
Földi, F. (2018). Testing of Infantry Warrior in Combat as a Basic Toolkit: The Toolkit of Combat of „Infantry Warrior" from a Technical Developer Perspective. Military Engineer, 13(3), 50–67. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/hadmernok/article/view/3763