Embassies in the Social Media
Over the past 15 years the number of Internet users has increased by almost 800 percent. While in 2000 361 million unique users were on online platforms, they are now more than three billion. The radical increase in the user number also affects the public sector, so in addition to business organizations, a growing number of public organizations appear on social media surfaces. Facebook is used in Hungary by 5.8 million Hungarians and 7.6 million in the world. There are currently 120 delegations representing Hungary, most of whom have Facebook, twitter and Instagram.
In the research, I examine the characteristics of the social media pages of Hungarian embassies.
social media
How to Cite
Klausz, M. (2018). Embassies in the Social Media. Military Engineer, 13(4), 349–357. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/hadmernok/article/view/3703